Dota 2 Teaser Trailer

Posted on 16 August, 2011


Wow! How long has it been since Dota came out? So it was a sigh of relief that they announced Dota 2 back in October 2010. And then some more grueling wait; August came and the teaser trailer is finally here! Then again we have no exact date when it would be launching but it is scheduled to be released this year though. It was also a little disappointing that they did not include some game play footage. It is just some dodgy artifact seller trying to sell you something.

Then again, some well known heroes made cameo and it was awesome to see them in crisp 3D. Dota 2 is lead designed by the longest serving and current developer of Defense of the Ancients known as IceFrog, who continues to be a mysterious figure. Also, Dota 2 is develop by Valve, instead of Blizzard, for god knows what reasons. This marks the first time Valve’s fantasy as well as Action RTS game.

This means all-night Dota session until the wee hours. Yahoo!

Check out their official website.

Posted in: Games